Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Monday. Sad Days; Look Out For Your Wingman

News of Robin Williams suicide was released today.

The reports say he was struggling with depression for many years. I couldn't help but think that if someone was there to help him through it, maybe he would still be with us. I'm sure his loved ones have been there for him many times in the past, and maybe even on this day, but that was the first thing that went though my mind. Then I thought about my own struggles with it... I am so thankful for the support of my own friends & family, and that of another thing-- music

Would music have been able to help Williams? What if he was aware of a music therapy program similar to that of Guitars For Vets? Again, maybe he would still be with us. 

Uncharacteristically, this had been on my mind all day. I don't usually think much about celebrity deaths when they happen. Maybe I'm weird, but I never get caught up in the fanfare made of celeb deaths-- though I do have empathy for their families. Not being connected to these people, it's difficult to grieve for them. But the suicide death of Williams struck a chord with me. 

The Air Force has something called the Wingman. It's a flying term-- fighter pilots are always to have a wingman; another aircraft that watches your back, while you watch his. The AF took this concept and applied it to everyone-- pilots or otherwise, as a form of suicide prevention. Each person has someone who watches your back while you watch theirs. "Look out for your wingman!" 

We can get so caught up in our own little worlds that it can be easy to forget about others and what they may be struggling with... 

Who is your wingman? We all need to do a better job of looking out for each other~ 

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