Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sunday; "Ch- ch-ch- ch- changes..."

Changes happen. Either you learn from them and grow, or you get left behind. This is true in so many areas of life, as it is in music.

Our Softer Sunday song-list has been available through our web-bassed planning center for well over a week. Saturday evening as my wife and I were driving home from a day trip to Whidbey Island, I got a call that there were changes to two of the songs-- mainly changes to the key signature. Also there was no way the services leader would be able to post the new chord sheets as he didn't have access to the online program.

16th Annual Whidbey Island Highland Games
Having spent many years in the USAF, I have a keen understanding for what it means to be a leader. A leader needs to make decisions-- sometimes unpopular decisions. A leader is required to equip his/her people with the tools they need to accomplish the mission. A leader inspires his/her people.

These particular last minute changes really got under my skin. Unfortunately, it has been common practice for the weekends worship leader to make last minute changes to our song list ranging from changes in key to completely different songs. I've been struggling with this lack of professionalism since joining the team several years ago. My wife reminds me that most of the people there are volunteers who have never been in the service, and that the civilian sector is much different than the Air Force. She's right of course... It's just another struggle for me to overcome in my reintegration to civilian life.

The changes to the songs were easy enough that I was able to spend a few hours before bed working out new chord sheets for the next mornings service. What bothered me the most was that these changes were made at the last minute, without regard for the others on the team. It just made me want to take this person aside and with a stern voice say, "Dang-it Airman! Whats wrong with you? Now get your act together! You were trained better than this!" But of course this person isn't an Airman, and hasn't been trained for this. There are times when I sorely miss the military...

Sunday morning arrived and after stopping at the Starbucks for my morning coffee I was on the stage and rehearsing our newly changed songs before I knew it. I rolled with the changes, we made it work and after voicing my concerns with the leader, moved on. Likewise, I am rolling with the changes of becoming being a civilian.

Through music, a person can learn a lot about life...

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